The Artist’s Solitude
The Artist’s Solitude: Creating One’s Own World
“Added to the moral solitude of the murderer comes the solitude of the artist, which can acknowledge no authority, save that of another artist”
Sep 8, 2021
I believe water could have the same connecting and isolating qualities as a camera lens. This is a poem I wrote a while back after shooting a short underwater video.
”Like twins sharing the protection of their mother’s womb, our naked bodies embraced at a distance through the amniotic blue waters of our manmade sheltering space. Isolated and protected from the world we danced to the rhythm of our souls, to the beat of our hearts, free, careless and in perfect union. We shared innocence, cold, discovery, discomfort but most of all the beauty of our hearts. Once separated by the world outside, I was left alone, incomplete and empty. I yearned for your warmth, your touch, your heartbeat and the comforting feeling of our amniotic embrace”.
Sep 8, 2021
The "illusion" of being alone and intimately connected with each one of the viewers was the first thing that caught my attention and ignited my interest in this new Virtual Theater language. The quality of this "connection" has been something I've been exploring and trying to create in live theater for as long as I can remember but, what are the trade-offs? Even if we are successful in making the virtual audience feel they are "alone" and only "connected" with us (the performers) ... how about on our end?
When devising Becoming A Rose, my first virtual theater production, I wanted to really experiment with this "intimacy" feeling so I decided to make this one-man-show a real one-man-show ... meaning: no crew or audience in the space where I was performing and streaming the show from. Just before I went live for the first show I made a very unexpected discovery: I was experiencing "stage fright" and fear was making solitude feel more like loneliness ... the very same feeling I was trying to avoid by establishing this intimate connection in the first place but, this post is not about me complaining but about me sharing with you my findings during this fascinating experiment and my personal views on the artist's solitude and how this is directly linked to the artist's courage to create his/her "own" world.
“To create one’s own world takes courage”
No More Masterpieces
“No More Masterpieces”
Experimental Art in Modern Society
Although in “No More Masterpieces” Artaud was mostly referring to the value of producing previously written “masterpieces” that, in his opinion, not always represent the society at the moment in which they are produced, his words also define the current situation in the arts. Experimentation is a luxury that most artist can not afford and the creative process is often of no value unless it concludes with a product and hopefully … a masterpiece.
Financial and other socially imposed limitations restrict artists’ creativity and bound them to schedules, deadlines and the contractual delivery of a finished product.
In the very few occasions when I was able to recruit actors to join my theater company with the sole purpose of experimentation, they got antsy after a little while and I had no choice than to come up with a “project”, deadlines and a promise to deliver but, I’m not complaining … after all, in most cases they were not getting paid so expecting something concrete in return it’s understandable.
I myself often get haunted by the ghost of “completion”. I’ve been pressured and derailed many times in the past and probably will again in the future. I have lost my path before and have “judge” myself for either not “delivering” or “producing” works that I’m not proud of. I have in many instances broken the oath to my beliefs and fiats by compromising my work to please others.
As a sensory-somatic artist, I truly believe and do my best to “live in the present”. Too busy looking backwards or planning for the future, we forget to enjoy the moment … like waiting for prince or princess charming not noticing that he/she is right there beside you.
By sharing on this site some “registered” moments from the creative process of both “finished” and “unfinished” works, I hope to shed some light on my views on transcendence through art, the idea that art could never be considered “unfinished” but “transmuting” and “ongoing” and that like emotions and sentiments, there is not such thing as a single “masterpiece” but “a myriad of unique and essential pieces masterly interconnected”.