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about the devising boards
The Devising Boards are Virtual Processing Centers - the creative core of this Virtual Laboratory. It is here where I take the initial musing energy and transform it into creative works. Depending on the nature of the “trigger”, the energy will be process in either The Sensetorming Board, The Brainstorming Board or The Project Development Board. Sometimes the energy will mutate and transform during the devising process. A sensory-somatic trigger being process in The Sensetorming Board might generate an idea for The Brainstorming Board which could also later become a project proposal for The Project Development Board.
This is where all Sensory-Somatic triggers - impulses, emotions, sensory-somatic stimuli, sensory memories, raw energies - are first processed
This is where thoughts - ideas, dreams, fantasies, memories - are first processed
This is where the development process of project proposals gets started