about the brainstorming board
Sometimes the “musing energy” or “trigger” comes directly from a thought, a dream or a memory which is not felt in our sensory-somatic system but directly processed by our brain. In these cases, the raw energy has already transmuted into “creative energy” and our brains assume the roll of “energy conductors” weaving these “energy threads” into concrete ideas or paths to be explored. It is in this Brainstorming Board where I would follow this “creative thought process” and “devise” what I call “creative explorations” which are nothing but building blocks for a larger creative project.
about the brainstorming sessions
Energy Brainstorming Sessions are the non-physical counterparts of the Creative Energy Workouts. They are brain-conducted exploring sessions without a set goal. The energy flows freely while I record the “creative explorations” either in writing or voice recordings. After these sessions, I engage the processing powers of the brain to build ideas, proposals and the foundations to start a project development process. As with any “experimental process”, not every creative brainstorming session “results” in creative work. Sometimes, the original “musing energy” triggers a stronger but different energy, in which case I will follow it even if this means changing paths and abandoning the original energy thread.
brainstorming board
current brainstorming threads
from musing energy to creative work
You can follow the brainstorming process for the threads listed above by following the Read More link. The threads pages on the Brainstorming Board will have a section called “Brainstorming Notes” journaling the brainstorming process for that particular musing energy.