about the sensetorming board
Sometimes the “musing energy” or “trigger” comes from an internal impulse, a sensory-memory or a sensory-somatic stimulus. Before this “raw energy source” becomes a creative idea or work, it must process by our bodies and senses where it originated and transmute it into “creative energy”. It is in this Sensetorming Board where I follow this “energy transmutation process” and “devise” what I call “creative explorations” which are nothing but building blocks for a larger creative project.
about the sensetorming process
Inspiration could comes to me anywhere and anytime - many of my ideas come to me in a dream - so following the creative energy right away is - in most cases - not an option. Writing down keywords for these thoughts or impulses on a physical board or notebook or, in the Triggers Board I have created on this site is always the first step. From the Triggers Board … I move on to a devising board to process the trigger. In the case of sensory-somatic stimuli - which are the musing energies addressed in this Sensetorming Board - the creative process (sensetorming) happens in the body and becomes very physical (Creative Energy Workouts) and therefore, other than a few setting up notes or after the session notes, you would have to wait until I post the “recordings” from the workouts in one of the viewing rooms - unless you were to join me virtually in the actual workout.
about the creative energy workouts
Creative Energy Workouts are physical and improvised sessions - photoshoots, video shoots and creative movement - during which I explore a “musing energy” or “trigger” and facilitate the energy transmutation process through movement and by creating with this energy while it transforms. I call the work created during this session: “creative explorations” - building blocks for larger projects. As with any “experimental process”, not every workout “results” in creative work. Sometimes, the original “musing energy” triggers a stronger but different energy, in which case I will follow it even if this means changing paths and abandoning the original trigger.
sensetorming board
current sensetorming threads
moving on to the viewing rooms
When photographs, videos, etc. from the Creative Energy Workouts for the above threads become available on the viewing rooms, you will find a link here to the thread’s gallery.